Sweden's most experienced hair clinic

After a long day with a tight hairstyle, it is common for the scalp to be sore and feel strange. This is because the hair follicles have sensory receptors and when we put our hair up, pressure is created on the nerve endings of the follicles, when these have been under pressure for a long time, they become sore.

In the long run, tight hairstyles can give you thinning hair.

Although hair tenderness is not dangerous, it may be the body's warning signals that the hair follicles are suffering. Prolonged pressure can have negative consequences. The hair can thin out and in the worst case lead to permanent hair loss, this is known as Traction alopecia.

Traction alopecia develops over time, so the difference can be noticed after a few months or years. But once the hair follicles have died, they don't come back, most often thinning around the hairline, behind the ears but also in the centre of the head.

To prevent suffering from Traction alopecia, it is good if you vary the set every day. Alternate between braids, tassels or knots. It is also good to let your hair rest completely from tight hairstyles at least once a week.


A good alternative to hair tassels are scrunchies (see picture) which give your hair a good chance to recover. Feel free to vary the position of your ponytail from high to low and on the sides.

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